This education blog shares various horizons of music in order to promote sustainable development of music education. Being devoted to music education for 19 years, Carol Ng has established her private studio at Adelaide, South Australia with an examination-standard Yamaha grand piano. In addition, Carol is keen on enlightening the next generation and advocating continuous advancement of music industry.

教育BLOG旨在推廣音樂教育發展,讓更多人認識不同的音樂領域;吳老師投身音樂教育十九年,於南澳洲的阿得萊德開設私人教室,並採用符合考試標準之Yamaha 三角琴教學,致力培育新一代音樂學好者及推動音樂行業的持續發展。

2021年2月4日 星期四

CNM Won the 4 Prestigious Prizes in South Australia! CNM榮獲2020年南澳洲四大獎項

Carol Ng's Music was first started in Hong Kong twenty years ago. Expanded to Hobart, Tasmania in 2017 and Adelaide, South Australia in 2018, we provide the highest standard of music programs to music lovers around the world. We are so proud that we won the following awards for 2020:
#3 Most Popular Service Provider in South Australia
#4 Most Popular Service Provider in the Adelaide Region
#9 Most Popular Kids Activity in the Eastern Suburbs
#24 Most Popular Kids Activity in the Adelaide Region
We are going to launch a brand new music program this year, both on and off the lines. Stay in tune with us!

Carol Ng’s Music 在二十年前創立於香港,在二零一七和二零一八年,教室分別擴展到塔斯曼利亞的荷伯特和南澳洲的阿德萊德,並為世界各地的音樂愛好者,提供最優質的音樂課程。我們在2020年度獲得了以下獎項,並為此感到驕傲:
#9 東區最受歡迎兒童活動服務供應商
#24 阿德萊德最受歡迎兒童活動服務供應商

Carol Ng’s Music 在二十年前创立于香港,在二零一七和二零一八年,教室分别扩展到塔斯曼利亚的荷伯特和南澳洲的阿德莱德,并为世界各地的音乐爱好者,提供最优质的音乐课程。我们在2020年度获得了以下奖项,并为此感到骄傲:
#9 东区最受欢迎儿童活动服务供货商
#24 阿德莱德最受欢迎儿童活动服务供货商

